We procure beeswax by buying it from beekeepers and producing in our own apiaries. Production and processing of beeswax is one of our main activities, in addition to the production of beeswax foundations and sugar cakes for bee nutrition, and accordingly, we pay great attention to this activity in our daily business.
After honey, beeswax is the most important bee product, which we recognized in time and made a great effort to perfect the methodology of its processing.


The beeswax for making wax foundations has been completely sterilized at a temperature of 130 C for two hours, so that the causes of bee diseases cannot be found in the product.
After sterilization, the beeswax is cooled and physical and chemical impurities (heavy metals and drug residues) are removed from it by special procedures, with which the beeswax may have been contaminated.
We are the only ones in this part of Europe to have this unique beeswax purification technology.

The production of beeswax in our company has been approved by the Office for
Veterinary Medicine of BiH, by Decision no. 04-1-27-11-834-4/18 and assigned veterinary control number NP-3-006. Under the same number, we are registered in Brussels, as an exporter of wax foundations and beeswax to the EU. Inspection supervision over production is performed by the Veterinary Inspection of RS and the Veterinary Office of BiH.

We export them to all surrounding countries, EU countries and Turkey. It is important to emphasize that, on an annual level, we process over 150 tons of beeswax and that makes us the largest producer of beeswax in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The use of beeswax is very diverse, so in our offer we have three basic types of beeswax:

  • beeswax for making wax foundations
  • beeswax for making candles
  • beeswax for making cosmetic products


Our domestic customers (from BiH and/or Serbia) for ordering beeswax can use BiH or SRB webshop accessible via the top menu of our website, while our foreign customers should place beeswax orders exclusively by direct contact (not via the webshop) for which they can use our contact form attached below: